Most vineyards are located near small water reservoirs with more fertile soils than the ridges. Each of our vineyards has its name, derived from the area it is located, its history, and its characteristics.
One of our most historic vineyards was discovered in a contract from 1850 (under British rule), registered by our great-grandfather, Nicoletos Kouris, when the British granted land to its cultivators.
Very close to “Agnos”. These two vineyards (Agnos, Valonisa) were the dowry of the grandmother, and she bequeathed them to her only grandson who wanted to cultivate vineyards.
A vineyard in an area named after a large public well for irrigation. The well never runs dry. It was made of beautiful white marble. Unfortunately, it was cemented over by New Greece.
The vineyard is located in an area named after the old watermill, again next to the river.
Very small pieces of land scattered throughout the area, as it used to be. In Lefkimmi the soils are clay loam. Most vines are near water grooves with more fertile soils than alluvium. In these lands there is a considerable percentage of sand. Each of our vines has its name, from the area it is located, its history and its characteristics (terroir).
One of our most historic vines, It was found in a contract of 1850 (under the British) that was registered by my father’s great-grandfather Nicoletos Kouris, when the British gave the land to its growers.
Very close to Agnos. These two vines (Agnos, Valonisa) were my grandmother’s dowry and she left it to me, because I was the only one of all her grandchildren who wanted to cultivate vines.
In a very fertile location, next to the Lefkimmi river, which as the name of the area reveals (modi = a unit of measurement of volume mainly for the cereals in Byzantium) was very fertile.
Two vines in two famous wine-growing regions of Lefkimmi. Valleys where the water from the water grooves of the area united and form the Lefkimmi river.
Vineyard in an area that got its name from a large municipal well for irrigation. The well with a diameter at the top of 3.5m that has about 60m3 water and a tap at the bottom that never run out . It was made of white magnificent marble marked by the ropes. Unfortunately it was cemented by New Greece.
The vineyard in the area that took its name from the old watermill, again next to the river.